I was in this path in the summer and noticed a large amount of dried up affluent streams that led to a small river in the valley, tributary to Ave River. I made up my mind in returning there in the winter. Water was flowing everywhere. Every little bit of hill side was drenched in water and small waterfalls emerged from the rocks. And the sounds… water everywhere!
Estive neste trilho no Verão e reparei numa grande quantidade de escoadouros secos que iam desaguar num pequeno rio no vale, afluente do Rio Ave. Fiquei determinado em regressar lá no Inverno. A água escorria por todo o lado. Todas e quaisquer encostas estavam encharcadas e pequenas cascatas emergiam das rochas. E os sons… água por todo o lado!
Vieira do Minho, Portugal
2014, Dezembro