
The Goat

In the North face of the Mullaghmore, along the Burren, I found the most rocky, broken, desolate landscape I've ever seen in Ireland. Yet, it was alive with the local goats, sprinkled all along the landscape. More alive it was as this is breading season. Clashes of male goats sporadically echoed in the surrounding hills, with battles aggressively fought until one challenger backed up, typically injured, limping on broken limbs and with its fate shamefully sealed as Irish stew... The other victorious, until contested again.
Then, there was this guy, just there, coloring the landscape, enjoying the sunshine and the wind and peacefully admiring the local mayhem.

The Burren, Claire Co., Ireland
2019, September


The Burren

Millions of years ago, a gentle giant was swirling the Earth with its finger as if it was cake dough. Swipe left for the panorama.

The Burren, Claire Co., Ireland
2019, September