
Overlaying green

Walking along a small affluent of river Homem, our senses became immersed in nature. Under a strong shade from endemic trees and constant humidity, moss grows everywhere, overlaying the grey of granite with intense greens. In a sense, even rocks are alive!

Affluent of River Homem
Terras de Bouro, Portugal
2011, June


Patiently waiting...

From the previous location and even from the same day, here are two mesmerizing spiders. Well… identifying spiders is playing with uncertainty. Specially, when my reference database (naturdata) has more than 150 species, most of them without photos or description. I’m really trying not to be a wild guess.

 Funnel maker spyder, Tecedeira-de-funil-de-cabeça-estreita (PT) – Lycosoides coarcata

Same tactic: just waiting. In this case, in totally open groud, waiting for some bug to pass by. I didn't know this but she has some nasty poison. Well, nasty for things smaller than her.

Wolf-spider, Aranha-lobo-radiada (PT) – Hogna Radiata

North shoreline of River Homem
Terras de Bouro, Portugal
2011, June