
Summer bugs!

Summer time, bugs' time. Bugs, bugs everywhere, in all shapes and forms, crawlers and flyers alike, Nature's little living ephemeral jewels, battling the colours of seasonal wildflowers with the most diverse tints, tones and patterns of their own. Summer's fun and beautiful.

Garretstown Woods, Cork, Ireland
2020, June


Mullinhassig Woods and Poulanassig Waterfall

A small water stream, with it's occasional moods, breached the landscape into a deep ravine. In this valley, a forest is kept safeguarded from the elements. Not so much from man... Mullinhassig Woods and the humble but attractive Poulanassig Waterfall were a nice find quite close to Cork.
By the way, some say a mermaid, in the form of a salmon, lives somewhere in this waterfall's pool. Couldn't find it…

Aghavrin, Cork, Ireland
2020, June

His favorite spot

Along the entire Bandon River, that's his favourite spot. Here one can observe time flowing with the waters, the river shaping its banks, finding ways around harder geologies, carving a winding valley throughout the ages. Here, there's no rush to things. The bird does not force itself upon the river, the bird does not pursue the hunt, the bird calmly waits for the catch, and opportunity layed right beneath him, a fisher at its highest mastery. And this was the closest I ever got to him.

Bandon, County Cork, Ireland
2020, May

Daffodils, a lot of them

A local field was massively planted with daffodils, meant to be harvested for spring time festivities. These were canceled, the daffodils were not... And here they stand, proud in their numbers, yet fragile in each stem, rendering their humble admiration to the glorious Sun. At night, even in the dark, I can notice them. If the wind favors, their perfume floods the surroundings and the entire town (it's really a lot of daffodils!). They are a festival by themselves!

Bandon, County Cork, Ireland
2020, April