
Wasp spider

Well, a different perspective of the wasp spider reveals that it’s all fluffy and colourful. Not that scary, isn’t it?
[PT] Em português, a Argiope bruennichi tem diversos nomes comuns: cesteira-dos-jardins, aranha-vespa, tecedeira-vespa, aranha-tigre, tecedeira-de-brünnich ou aranha-dos-jardins
Wasp spider; Aranha-vespa, aranha-tigre - Argiope bruennichi
Vieira do Minho, Portugal
2017, August

Stuff of nightmares

I’m, definitely, not an arachnophobic.

 Wasp spider; Aranha-vespa, aranha-tigre - Argiope bruennichi
Vieira do Minho, Portugal
2017, August


Once dominant…

Standing for ages passed and thriving for another day, this noble and ancient being is bathed by early sunlight. Portuguese northern forests were once dominated by oak trees… Some things should never change.
Common oak, penduculate oak; carvalho-alvarinho, carvalho-roble – Quercus robur
Terras de Bouro, Portugal
2017, April


Don’t mind me, I’m just a stick

The season of heat and bugs is at its peak. Getting close to the ground and giving it a bit of attention, you can find a myriad of little crawling, jumping and flying buggers all over the place. Easily mistaken for a branch, I found this one moving around. The stick bugs are absolutely fragile. Their healthy presence is also an indicator of the absence of pesticides in the surroundings. While simple in its shape, it remains an amazing and curious form of life.

Stick insect; bicho-pau, insecto-pau  - Clonopsis gallica
Vieira do Minho, Portugal
2017, August


Summer nights

A panoramic nightscape, taken from the trail that leads to the submerged village of Vilarinho das Furnas, in the heart of Peneda-Gerês National Park. Even in a clear summer night, the dam’s reservoir and the surrounding autochthonous forests fill the valley with moist air, creating clouds that quickly dissipate with the wind. While this region is fairly deep in Homem River’s valley, when facing West, light pollution from the nearby villages and the large city of Braga dominates the horizon.

Terras de Bouro, Portugal
2017, July